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Do you find IB economics hard? Or are you worried about exams? I understand. That’s why I made these IB Economics Revision Notes – these notes will help you study better!

  • Clear Learning: My revision notes explain important topics in a simple way. You will understand everything you need for the exams in an easy and fun way!
  • Real-World Examples: I added examples from the real world. This will help you see how economics is used outside school, moreover, these examples are also helpful in the exams and in your IAs as well!

When you study for exams, my revision notes have practice questions, which will help you feel ready at the time of the exams. The best thing about my Revision notes? They also have advice from an IB Economics expert – an actual IB economics examiner!

Want to do well in IB Economics? My Revision Notes will show you how!

Use my Revision Notes and enjoy learning.

Say goodbye to long textbooks! 🥳

Check out my IB Economics Revision Notes and  smash the exams! 👊😎

EVERYTHING you need to know and NOTHING that you don’t – put together by an examiner. 😉🤫

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